Most people were not born organized and very few were taught by their parents or teachers. The good news is that organizing is a very learnable skill. Like learning any skill; it takes some practice, but we can teach you if you want to learn.
But let’s be perfectly honest, some people have no time for or interest in learning how to organize. They know that their time is best spent doing what they’re up to working, parenting, etc. so they prefer to have it done for them and that’s fine too.
“I’m extremely passionate about helping clients to get organized, however and whatever that looks like for them ” – Mishele Vieira, CPO®
Who We Work With:
Most of our clients find themselves in one of the following two categories:
Situational Organizational Challenges:
These clients consider themselves to have once been pretty well organized, but have gotten off track because they are busy with work, raising children, volunteering, or perhaps all three. They may also have experienced one or more of the following changes:
- Move
- Marriage
- New baby
- Change in employment –new job, loss of a job, retirement
- Responsibility for caring for a parent
- Death of a loved one
- Divorce
Ongoing Organizational Challenges:
These clients have experienced challenges with organization for quite some time and perhaps all their life. Typically they have brain related issues that make it harder for them to get and stay organized. This may include:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
- Addiction-i.e. alcohol, substance, food
- Trauma
- Dementia
- Traumatic Brain Injury
- Hoarding Behavior
We are experienced in working with both types of clients who often have overlapping issues and similar needs. Basically we work with clients who, for whatever reason have been unable to get organized on their own.
If you see yourself having any issues with your own organization or if you know of someone who falls into any of these categories, please contact me….I can definitely help you!
– Mishele Vieira
Certified Professional Organizer®
(818) 519 2938